The Training and Training of Hapkido Instructors Um Yang Kwan(Hanminjok Hapkido association/The World Kido Federation) and Haedong Kumdo(United World Haedong Kumdo Federation/Brazilian Haedong Kumdo Confederation) is aimed at Masters and Teachers of Korean Martial Arts in Brazil.
This opportunity provides Korean martial arts teachers and masters with a new line of studies and training, forming teachers capable of teaching and transmitting the martial art to society. Hapkido Um Yang Kwan and tbm Haedong Kumdo in their region, thus praising its growth and development at the state, national and international levels. In this way, it enables new instructors, in addition to knowledge, to include a new modality in their curriculum as a teacher, thus being able to take this knowledge to their current students and also to new segments of students.